Friday, April 27, 2012

16 days and we will be in Guatemala!  It seems unreal.  In that time I will check out 28 guys from my dorm floor, oversee the checkout of around 200 Tyler Hall residents, finish the last little bits of my classes, GRADUATE, move out of Tyler Hall for the last time, say many many goodbyes and start my last college class of my college education, an online summer class.  Its going to be a very busy time.

God has been so good in the past few weeks.  It never ceases to amaze me how he works things out.  I received an email from a friend of a friend today asking if we would have room to bring items to Guatemala with us.  Several of the women from Daniel Van Valkenburg's church would like to pack up supplies needed in Guatemala and send them as gifts.  I told them we could take up to 3 suitcases full as long as they're under 50 pounds a piece.  We had no need of our 3 extra free checked bags.  God worked through friends sharing and people caring and now we will be taking some much needed supplies to Guatemala with us, at no additional charge.

Keep praying that God will use us in every way possible.  Pray that we will be stretched and that God will have his way with us.  Thank God that He is going to provide the remaining funding we need for this trip.

Until next time!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Queremos Vitaminas

Cameron and I leave for Guatemala in 17 days! We've started thinking about what to pack, and when I say that, I mean we've said "we should think about what to pack" and then moved on with whatever else we were doing. One of the needs down there is for children's vitamins and Tylenol. Recently, Cameron was contacted by someone who wanted to send stuff like that down there with us, but that's in Cameron's court, so he can update you guys about that in his next post. Right now, we're just both hoping that the rest of the money we need comes in soon, and praising God for all we have received thus far!

Love, Morgan

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Buenos Dias!

Hey guys!  As the semester is winding down I'm finally finding some time to get on here and update my information!  It's been really amazing to watch God work through everything as I'm planning to return to Guatemala.  I never would have expected to be doing something like this but it is amazing to see God so obviously involved!  I'm almost finished writing my first support letter so as soon as that is done I'll upload it to the blog.

Vaya con Dios!
Chris Palmer

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hola Mi Amigos

     Chris Palmer is one of the members of my sr design team that traveled to Guatemala over spring break.  He has been looking into traveling back to Guatemala in the fall for his last semester of school.  God has been working out details as he has been scheduling classes and looking into other issues.  Chris will be looking for sponsors for the entirety of his trip, so if you would like to get more involved, this is a great place to start. 

     I have a meeting with my pastor this Wednesday.  One of the things I hope to talk about is how to make tax deductible donations through the church.  I will let everyone know how that goes as soon as I have more information. 

     Please keep us in your prayers.  I have over 200 dollars pledged toward my trip already.  Its exciting to see how God works things out and how he prompts people to give.  Only 34 more days! 

     Love, Cameron

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Storms in Dallas

A severe storm system including tornadoes ripped through Dallas today, damaging over 40 of the planes in the American Airlines' fleet.  We are flying with American Airlines in May.  Please pray that God would be in the situation.  My first thought was that our tickets may get canceled, but God can work in every situation.  Tickets may go up in price after this and it may work out very well that we already have our tickets.  Please keep this in your prayers.

Romans 8:28  "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

       Love, Cameron

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

39 Days

So I was counting the days until Cameron and I leave for Guatemala, and I realized there are only 39 days. Holy chocolate starfish batman! We have so much to do before then, like raise all our funds for the trip and make sure all our arrangements are taken care of. I'm sure people are getting bored of hearing "how excited we are to go to Guatemala", but it's true. We are really excited. Last night we talked about reading the Guatemala newspaper together in order to catch up on local current events and to practice Spanish. Learning another language can be both difficult and funny. There are so many times when people say things like " I have man" when they mean to say "I am hungry" in Spanish. I remember in one Spanish class, talking about walking on the oven. Of course I wasn't aware of what I was saying or why the teacher was laughing at me so hard. As I try to teach Cameron some Spanish, I'll try to make sure I post his funniest mistakes on here so we all can laugh about it.

         Love, Morgan

Monday, April 2, 2012

Support Letters

We have been working on our letters the past few days.  Morgan's support letters were mailed this morning.  My letters include a trip summary for my past two trips and should go out tomorrow morning.  Expect to see them in your mail boxes by Friday! 

With any luck, Morgan will start teaching me some spanish before we head back to Guat.  I remain skeptical since she didn't teach me any last time before we went.  :)  Maybe I can learn Spanish while I teach her how to use a drill.  Go team!  

Love Cameron

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Step of Faith

We did it. We bought plane tickets. This is a step of faith because neither one of us has received the support to cover the cost of a plane ticket, much less our living expenses while we're down there. But we both have a confident assurance of what we hope for and certain of things we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1).
Buying plane tickets is exciting. There is a lot of commitment that goes into hitting the purchase button. And it means that wherever your plane ticket is going, you're going. Either that or you just spent a lot of money to not go there. Cameron and I talk about Guatemala daily as our anticipation grows. A month in Guatemala will allow us to do far more work than we could accomplish over Spring Break, but it will also give us the opportunity to grow in our faith. Being in a culture completely different from our own, amongst people who do things differently than you do them, can be very challenging to your thoughts about how the world is supposed to work. We will learn a lot while we are there, but we are both looking forward to it!
         Love, Morgan