Tuesday, April 3, 2012

39 Days

So I was counting the days until Cameron and I leave for Guatemala, and I realized there are only 39 days. Holy chocolate starfish batman! We have so much to do before then, like raise all our funds for the trip and make sure all our arrangements are taken care of. I'm sure people are getting bored of hearing "how excited we are to go to Guatemala", but it's true. We are really excited. Last night we talked about reading the Guatemala newspaper together in order to catch up on local current events and to practice Spanish. Learning another language can be both difficult and funny. There are so many times when people say things like " I have man" when they mean to say "I am hungry" in Spanish. I remember in one Spanish class, talking about walking on the oven. Of course I wasn't aware of what I was saying or why the teacher was laughing at me so hard. As I try to teach Cameron some Spanish, I'll try to make sure I post his funniest mistakes on here so we all can laugh about it.

         Love, Morgan

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