Monday, April 9, 2012

Hola Mi Amigos

     Chris Palmer is one of the members of my sr design team that traveled to Guatemala over spring break.  He has been looking into traveling back to Guatemala in the fall for his last semester of school.  God has been working out details as he has been scheduling classes and looking into other issues.  Chris will be looking for sponsors for the entirety of his trip, so if you would like to get more involved, this is a great place to start. 

     I have a meeting with my pastor this Wednesday.  One of the things I hope to talk about is how to make tax deductible donations through the church.  I will let everyone know how that goes as soon as I have more information. 

     Please keep us in your prayers.  I have over 200 dollars pledged toward my trip already.  Its exciting to see how God works things out and how he prompts people to give.  Only 34 more days! 

     Love, Cameron

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